Tuesday 22 April 2014


A recent study by AusAid in 2011 revealed that an increasing number of graduates from TVET colleges couldn’t secure a job and were now ‘walking the streets’ and other studies have also revealed that employers from both private and public sectors were expressing dissatisfaction in work output from students and the lack of quality and relevancy in the trainings that TVET institutions were offering.
The TVET sector through Measurement & Quality Assurance Branch  therefore, is conducting a Tracer Study so that valuable feedback could be obtained and offered to the Management and TVET institutions on the quality, effectiveness and relevancy of current TVET programs.
The Tracer Study will set a platform into highlighting issues to address TVET sectors efforts into achieving the National Government’s Vision 2050, Development Strategic Plan (DSP) 2010-2030, the NEP 2005-2014 and the TVET Strategic Management.
This Study will enable the department to measure the relevancy for the trainings provided and to determine the competitiveness and job security of graduates after receiving the training provided by TVET institutions.

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