Tuesday 1 April 2014


Measurement and Quality Assurance
Quality assurance is "a planned and systematic means for assuring TVET management that the defined standards, practices, procedures, and methods of the process are applied."

Using quality assurance techniques, MQA will audit quality requirements and the results of quality control measurement activities to ensure that the TVET's policies, procedures and techniques produce products or services that meet customer's (Stake holders, Parents, Students, Sponsors) needs and expectations. Conducting a quality audit involves inspecting work output to assess the efficiency of production policies and procedures. Additionally, an audit ensures that approved change requests, including corrective and preventive actions, get implemented.

MQA will also conduct quality assurance audits to compare process documentation to how actual tasks get accomplished to verify that work gets completed according to established policies and procedures. This includes ensuring that the appropriate levels of approval are obtained before starting and completing work.

The planning, preparation, delivery, assessment, evaluation and continuous improvement of training are the key to a Quality Training System. To achieve satisfactory levels of student, sponsor and staff satisfaction it is critical to regularly audit all aspects of the Training System, identify and act on improvement opportunities. MQA plans to do the quality audit annually.

The Audit Checklist provides each institution (Department and Section) with the opportunity to undertake an internal or self-audit of the key components of a Quality Training System. At the same time a management audit will also be conducted during the branch advisory visits to all TVET institutions.  The results of the audit will be the basis of reports for recommendation to Assistant Secretary, Curriculum and Inspections Division for further evaluation and action.

The purpose of quality measurement and analysis is to develop and sustain a measurement capability used to support management information needs.

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