Monday, 19 May 2014



The National Polytechnic Institute of Papua New Guinea
Growth, excellence and prosperity through quality education and training
Commissioning of
and launching of
19th May, 2014

Mr. McLay addressing the Institute's council chairman, administrators, staff and students.
The National Polytechnic Institute of PNG is currently undergoing infrastructural improvements and changes as part of its change of status. These changes or improvements are necessary to help both the students and the staff. One of the changes is the improvements of Institute Library as learning becomes more computer-oriented and computers are becoming a vital part of learning. Therefore, in line with the Governing Council directives and Students’ expectations, the Administration has taken the initial step in improving the Institute Library under the project titled “NPIPNG ELECTRONIC LIBRARY PROJECT”. It is envisaged that by Year 2016, NPIPNG will modernised it’s library through this project.
Mr. McLay cutting the ribbon with Director Mr. Grahan Bidang, Council Chairman Mr. Kila Vuivagi, Deputy Director Administration Mr. Chris Wani and Deputy Director Academic Mr. Joselito Marcos.
The library is now seeing new improvements, with the first being the installation of a computer laboratory. The computer laboratory in the Library is configured differently from the rest of the computer laboratories in the institute. This laboratory consists of one common server computer, and ten (10) terminals (to be increase over the period of the project). All the ten terminals are connected to this one common server and operate from that server. Each terminal has a monitor, mouse, keyboard, headphone and a USB port for students to use. The server is just one computer with all the programs installed. For backup purpose the Library Server will be connected to Institute’s central Server.
The advantages of the Library Computer Laboratory configurations are:
1.     Minimal cost of purchase and setup
2.     Minimal cost of ongoing maintenance – only one maintenance is done to the server
3.     Minimal cost of program installation – programs installed one time only in the server and becomes available instantly to all terminals
4.     Reduces electricity bills – terminals consume very little power
5.     Control – the server controls all the terminals, so there’s no abuse or misuse in terms of printing or doing other things
6.     In the long term, there’s huge savings on computer maintenance, program installation, and also electricity bills.
Currently, the setup in the library will benefit both staff and students but more importantly for students’ learning in the following ways:
1.     Students now have access to a computer even after hours, when all the departmental computer labs are closed;
2.     Students can use programs such as MS Office 2010, MYOB, Encyclopaedia, Dictionary, which are installed in the server, and available to all terminals;
3.     Students can print their assignments, projects, and reports directly to a common network printer, which is readily available in the library;
4.     An e-Library program is also installed, where the students can access to read softcopies of books. However, we have yet to purchase some e-Books and get them installed in the e-Library program;
5.     Students can listen to audio lectures using the headphones which are also available;
6.     Students can use their USB flash drives to save their work or even print their work from the flash drives;
7.     Even though there are only ten terminals, compared to the number of students, the system is programmed such that each user is timed using “tickets”. For example, if a student uses Terminal-1, then the student will be given a ticket to login and use the terminal for exactly one hour to complete his/her work. As soon as the time reaches one hour, the system will automatically log out the student, close all the programs that the student was using, and reset the terminal for the next user. In that way, other students are given opportunities to use the terminals.
This is just the first step into the modernising of NPIPNG Library through the “NPIPNG Electronic Library Project”
Looking towards the future, the modern NPIPNG Library will have;
1.     library resources (textbooks and other reference material) available electronically;
2.     an Internet and Email facility for students and staff. Internet is now becoming vital in terms of sourcing information, especially in research or assignments. In fact, most of the information on the Internet is updated, and having access to the Internet, e-Books can also be downloaded as additional resources. The heart of any learning institute such as NPIPNG is the Library, and with this improvement in the facility, it means an improvement in the students’ learning and acquisition of knowledge.
3.        Library access opening hours will increase and will open seven(7) days a week during the Academic Calender period.

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