Thursday 15 May 2014


Entrepreneurship Education in schools and Technical Vocational Training Institutions. 'Unleashing the next wave of Papua new Guinean Entrepreneurs". A presentation was held at the TVET Conference Room, 2nd floor on Wednesday, 14th May 2014.
The 2014 Best Business Plan Awards for Secondary School and TVET students in PNG recognizes outstanding achievements by young PNG students currently enrolled in the Know About Business (KAB) entrepreneurship education programmed conducted by the Small Business Development Corporation and National Department of Education.

The said presentation was attended by TVET Curriculum and Inspection Division's Acting Assistant Secretary Mrs. Rossa Apelis and the Branch Heads led by Mr. Thomas Aiye - FOL, Mr. Rufino Rivera - MQA, Mr. Damon Tiromry - Curriculum Branch, Mrs. Beatrice Aumora - KAB, , Mr. Godua Koveau - Printing, Mr. Lambert Barlis - Business and Mr. Ruben Aue - Vocational.

The awards will be given to the best students from each region of the country who exemplifies the qualities of a good potential entrepreneur through  a demonstrated ability to produce innovative and good business plan. Above is shown one of the most successful student entrepreneur.

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