Tuesday 3 June 2014


The Acting National Statician invites the Department of Education through Mrs. Betty Napil, Research Officer of TVET Operation and Management Division, DoE. The said event showcased the official launch of the following:
    • Consumer Price Index (CPI) Rebase Basket
    • PNG Standard Industrial Classification
    • 2011 Census Ward Profiles, and
    • NSO Corporate Plan 2015-2019.

On behalf of Mrs. Napil, TVET MQA Research Officer Mr. Markus Magep attended the launching on Friday, 30th May 2014 at the Gateway Hotel, Port Moresby.

It is a privilege being given the opportunity to attend and witness an official launching that was held on the 30th of May 2014. Supposedly it was an invitation that was forwarded to Ms. Betty Napil - a Research Officer under TVET Operations in appreciation for her involvement in previous research activities which some of the data collected and results produced were included in some of those NSO Products. Fortunately, Mr. Magep was given the opportunity to attend the launching by Ms. Napil due to some constraints that cause her to be unable to attend.
The National Statistical Office (NSO) is Papua New Guinea’s Central Statistical Agency that is responsible to provide a full range of relevant and timely statistics on population, social and economic activities for the National Executive, State Agencies, Business and Individuals so as to provide the basis for information, decision making, research and discussion within community.
The National Statistical Office was established in 1981 by the Statistical Service Act (Chapter 386) and became the central agency in Papua New Guinea for providing statistical information to meet the needs of the Government for the formulation of policy and planning. Under Section 106 of the 1995 Reformed Organic Law on Provincial and Local Level Government, the NSO was also given the mandate to assist in creating statistical databases at the Provincial and Local Government levels for policy formulation and planning at these levels. Hence, this year 2014, marks great achievements accomplished by NSO to have completed and launched four (4) products.
Venue, Dates and Time
The launching was held in a conference room at the Gate Way Hotel at 7 Mile on the 30th of May 2014. The proposed time-length that was indicated on the program booklet for the whole launching program was 10:00am to 3:00pm. However, the program was delayed because the invited Minister-Hon. Charles Abel was engaged with a morning program with the other organisation. Eventually at 11:40am, the program started with an announcement of the arrival of the Minister for National Planning & monitoring - Hon. Charles Abel, by the Master of Ceremony, Mr Lahui Lovai. To open the program, Pastor Thomas Davai offered a prayer and a welcome speech followed after by Mr Roko Koloma - the Acting National Statistician. To coup up with time and without further delay, the NSO Products were Launch one after the other then.
Organisations/Departments Attended
There are many representatives from various departments and Organisations that attended the launching. Majority of these are from the National Statistic Office while few from the Department of Education, National Agriculture and Fisheries Department, and other Public Departments. Some organisations that attended are, the NGO, Reflectors Gospel Singers and the Post Courier Media crews.
Lunch and Entertainment
After the launching of the NSO Products, a lunch was organised for the invited guest and the guest of honours. The lunch break carries on till 2:00pm at which all were asked to leave. While the lunch was served, the Reflectors (Gospel Singing Group) entertain the guest in singing.
Recommendations and Conclusion
The overall presentation was quite good however, the arrival of the guests of honours were delayed. This has dragged the launching program to start late. This also affects the sequence of activities and timings as indicated on the printed program. It was observed that the presenters who present the introductory statements were also not prepared and few presenters present a little bit less than what was expected of them. Thus, it is recommended that in such programs there should be a stand by program that should be prepared in place to cater for unexpected outcomes.
However, it was a great achievement seen from the National Statistical Office to have accomplished four products in which the information compiled in these products will help the government departments in their policy making, planning, resource allocation and target development activities in the country. Hence, it was a great achievement by the NSO.

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