Tuesday 9 June 2015


A three day in-service was conducted by TVET curriculum officers at Skul Bilons Stuakipa, Wewak, East Sepik. The purpose of the in-service was to unpack the NC1 and NC2 Office Administration Training Package for implementation this year by the said institution.

The proceeding was facilitated by the following TVET officers:
Mrs. Violet Gerega – a/Director TVET NT Curriculum
Mr. Lambert Barlis – a/Senior Curriculum Officer Business Studies

Proposed activities of the in-service training include the following:
·         Discuss the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF)
·         Discuss the different components of the National Certificate 1 and National Certificate 2   Office Administration Training Package
·         Discuss the CBTA Policy
·         Discuss and develop the learning program, session plan, assessment plan
·         Discuss the Module Results Form (MRF) and Statement of Results Form (SRF)
The expected outcome of the training is to enable the teachers to confidently facilitate the delivery of the NC1 and NC2 Office Administration once implemented in the institution. Attached with this report is the programme for the three-day workshop.
Activities/Matters arising during the workshop:
·         The following were the participants:

1.      Mr. Anthony Narawen  .....        TVET Coordinator - Wewak East Sepik
2.      Mr. Joachim Salin           .....        Manager – Skul Bilons Stuakipa
3.      Ms. Moses Annette        .....        Teacher SBS
4.      Ms. Angiwe Deborah     .....         Teacher SBS
5.      Ms. Yaure Ruth               .....         Teacher SBS
6.      Ms. Tobby Gilda              .....         Teacher SBS
7.      Mr. Malau Gilbert           .....         Teacher SBS
·         Using multi- media presentation, discussed and explained the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF) and the Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA)
·         Discussed and explained the different components of the training package.
·         Discussed samples of  NC1 & NC2 training modules and explained contents thereof.
·         Explained the purpose of the Learning Program, Session Plan, Assessment Plan and Assessment Instruments.
·         Engaged participants in preparing their own Learning Program, Session Plan, Assessment Plan and Assessment Instruments based on their chosen module/s
·         Participants presented their work as above and critiqued by the facilitators and and teachers.
·         Discussed and explained the CBTA Reporting and Assessment Policy.
·         Discussed and explained how to accomplish MRF and SRF and engaged participants to work on an exercise on how to complete the said forms.
·         Final activity for the last day of the workshop formal handing over of the Training Package to the Manager of the institution, Mr. Joachim Salin
·         SBS’s target of implementation of the program will be July 2015.

Initial steps had been undertaken by SBS and TVET Curriculum to implement the NC1 and NC2 Programmes at the institution. With the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by its administration and staff, the program will give opportunity to all aspiring students in nearby areas to avail themselves of alternative quality education. This will give way as well to elevate the school to a national institution when proper time comes, just like the other TVET business and technical college.

TVET a/Senior Curriculum Officer – Business Studies