Tuesday 26 May 2015


Though the world now possesses an abundance of information storage devices, we still remain at risk of data loss. Data loss is the unintentional loss of data caused by file corruption, hardware failure, human error or site-related events, such as fire or theft.
Keeping this in mind, a report on data loss shows that the leading cause of data loss is hardware failure, accounting for 40% of data loss incidents. Coming in second is human error, accounting for 29%. Human error includes any loss of data caused by the user's actions such as the accidental deletion or overwriting of files.
Keeping all of this in mind, one of the most common types of hardware failure is the dreaded hard drive crash.
With this information stated above, TVET Measurement and Quality Assurance Branch started keeping its records into a back up (CD Technology) to avoid data loss.
The majority of disasters are unforeseen and rarely can the user prevent such events as hard drive failure or site related disasters. Nevertheless, the user does have a limited bit of control over data loss. In fact, data loss can often be prevented if one takes the proper measures. The trick is taking action before a disaster occurs, because once data is lost — it can't be recovered. The most reliable and efficient way of protecting our data is quite a simple process of which most users have heard — backup.

TVET MQA will establish a CD Library where all information on Students' Statement of Results and Diplomas / Certificates copies are stored.