Sunday 19 October 2014


The meeting presentation was opened by the Acting Deputy Secretary, TVET Wing & UNESCO Mr Godfrey Yerua with his welcoming remarks on 16th October 2014, Thursday at the TVET Conference Room.
Provincial Education Advisor Mr Joseph Auli, East Sepik TVET Coordinator Mr Anthony Narawen and Manager Bernard Narakobi (Yawasoro)Technical Vocational Center Mr John Pais attended the meeting.
The meeting was also attended by a/FAS TVET Wing Mr Wini Leka, Assistant Secretary TVET Community Education & Vocational Training Division Mrs Assenith Tugiau, a/Assistant Secretary TVET Curriculum & Inspection Division Mrs Rossa Apelis, Manager FOL Branch Mr Thomas Aiye, Manager MQA Branch Mr Rufino Rivera, Senior Curriculum Officer Mr Joe Siris, Senior Curriculum Officer Mr Atu Tomaki, other TVET officers and the media.

The Provincial TVET Plan 2011-2020 was presented by Provincial Education Advisor Mr Joseph Auli to Acting Deputy Secretary Mr Godfrey Yerua with a/FAS Wini Leka, a/AS CID Mrs Rossa Apelis and AS CEVTD Mrs Assenith Tugiau.

Monday 6 October 2014


TVET Wing conducted it's 2nd meeting held at the TVET Conference room on 6th October 2014. The meeting was called for to evaluate the current status of TVET system and course programmes.

The following agenda were discussed during the meeting as follows:
Agenda items:

1. Quarterly Divisional Reports
2. 2014 SPAs
3. End of the year graduations/invitations from TVET institutions
4. Attending Governing Council meetings
5. Strategic Management Plan

The said meeting were attended by a/Deputy Secretary for TVET and UNESCO Mr. Godfrey Yerua, a/First Assistant Secretary TVET Wing Mr. Wini Leka, Assistant Secretary Operation & Management Division Ms. Monica Maluan, a/Assistant Secretary Curriculum & Inspection Division Mrs. Rossa Apelis, and Assistant Secretary Community Education Secretariat Division Ms Assenith Tugiau.

The Superintendents, Managers and Directors were also present during the meeting. They were Superintendent TOMD Mr. John Dinbi, CID Operations Superintendent Mr Kana Areni, FOL Manager Mr Thomas Aiye, MQAB Manager Mr Rufino Rivera, a/Superintendent Curriculum Mr Damon Tiromry, Superintendent Inspections Mrs. Oli Mark, Superintendent Vocational Mr. Ruben Aue, Senior Inspector Mrs. Sterlina Sergius and the minute taker OMD Ms Elly Kawa.