Tuesday 9 June 2015


A three day in-service was conducted by TVET curriculum officers at Skul Bilons Stuakipa, Wewak, East Sepik. The purpose of the in-service was to unpack the NC1 and NC2 Office Administration Training Package for implementation this year by the said institution.

The proceeding was facilitated by the following TVET officers:
Mrs. Violet Gerega – a/Director TVET NT Curriculum
Mr. Lambert Barlis – a/Senior Curriculum Officer Business Studies

Proposed activities of the in-service training include the following:
·         Discuss the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF)
·         Discuss the different components of the National Certificate 1 and National Certificate 2   Office Administration Training Package
·         Discuss the CBTA Policy
·         Discuss and develop the learning program, session plan, assessment plan
·         Discuss the Module Results Form (MRF) and Statement of Results Form (SRF)
The expected outcome of the training is to enable the teachers to confidently facilitate the delivery of the NC1 and NC2 Office Administration once implemented in the institution. Attached with this report is the programme for the three-day workshop.
Activities/Matters arising during the workshop:
·         The following were the participants:

1.      Mr. Anthony Narawen  .....        TVET Coordinator - Wewak East Sepik
2.      Mr. Joachim Salin           .....        Manager – Skul Bilons Stuakipa
3.      Ms. Moses Annette        .....        Teacher SBS
4.      Ms. Angiwe Deborah     .....         Teacher SBS
5.      Ms. Yaure Ruth               .....         Teacher SBS
6.      Ms. Tobby Gilda              .....         Teacher SBS
7.      Mr. Malau Gilbert           .....         Teacher SBS
·         Using multi- media presentation, discussed and explained the National TVET Qualification Framework (NTQF) and the Competency Based Training and Assessment (CBTA)
·         Discussed and explained the different components of the training package.
·         Discussed samples of  NC1 & NC2 training modules and explained contents thereof.
·         Explained the purpose of the Learning Program, Session Plan, Assessment Plan and Assessment Instruments.
·         Engaged participants in preparing their own Learning Program, Session Plan, Assessment Plan and Assessment Instruments based on their chosen module/s
·         Participants presented their work as above and critiqued by the facilitators and and teachers.
·         Discussed and explained the CBTA Reporting and Assessment Policy.
·         Discussed and explained how to accomplish MRF and SRF and engaged participants to work on an exercise on how to complete the said forms.
·         Final activity for the last day of the workshop formal handing over of the Training Package to the Manager of the institution, Mr. Joachim Salin
·         SBS’s target of implementation of the program will be July 2015.

Initial steps had been undertaken by SBS and TVET Curriculum to implement the NC1 and NC2 Programmes at the institution. With the enthusiasm and commitment displayed by its administration and staff, the program will give opportunity to all aspiring students in nearby areas to avail themselves of alternative quality education. This will give way as well to elevate the school to a national institution when proper time comes, just like the other TVET business and technical college.

TVET a/Senior Curriculum Officer – Business Studies

Tuesday 26 May 2015


Though the world now possesses an abundance of information storage devices, we still remain at risk of data loss. Data loss is the unintentional loss of data caused by file corruption, hardware failure, human error or site-related events, such as fire or theft.
Keeping this in mind, a report on data loss shows that the leading cause of data loss is hardware failure, accounting for 40% of data loss incidents. Coming in second is human error, accounting for 29%. Human error includes any loss of data caused by the user's actions such as the accidental deletion or overwriting of files.
Keeping all of this in mind, one of the most common types of hardware failure is the dreaded hard drive crash.
With this information stated above, TVET Measurement and Quality Assurance Branch started keeping its records into a back up (CD Technology) to avoid data loss.
The majority of disasters are unforeseen and rarely can the user prevent such events as hard drive failure or site related disasters. Nevertheless, the user does have a limited bit of control over data loss. In fact, data loss can often be prevented if one takes the proper measures. The trick is taking action before a disaster occurs, because once data is lost — it can't be recovered. The most reliable and efficient way of protecting our data is quite a simple process of which most users have heard — backup.

TVET MQA will establish a CD Library where all information on Students' Statement of Results and Diplomas / Certificates copies are stored.

Wednesday 25 March 2015


The revised structure of the Department of Education was approved on 3rd February 2015. As a result of the approval all the positions in the Department including Executive positions and Assistant Secretary positions were declared vacant substantially on the 3rd February 2015 through Secretary's Circular No. 5/2015. This Secretary's Circular appoints officers in acting capacity to Executive and Assistant Secretary positions.
These appointments are made under Devolved Human Resource Powers conferred to the Secretary for Education by the Secretary of Department of Personnel Management, consistent with Section 33 and 34 of the Public Services Management Act 2014.
a/Deputy Scretary TVET & UNESCO Directorate - Mr. Godfrey Yerua
a/FAS TVET Curriculum & e-Learning  - Mr. Wini Leka
a/AS TVET Curriculum Division - Mrs. Rossa Apelis
a/Director TC Trade Curriculum - Mr. Damon Tiromry
a/Director Non-Trade Curriculum - Mrs. Violet Gerega
a/Manager Operations - Mr. Areni Kana
a/AS e-learning Division - Ms. Hatsie Mirou
a/Executive Producer TV/Radio - Mr. Glen Benny
a/Executive Producer Multi Media /e-Learning -
a/Director e-Curriculum -
a/Director e-Corporate Services -
a/Chief Engineer - Mr. Benjamin Ugup
a/FAS TVET Operations & Standards - Ms. Monica Maluan
a/AS TVET School Operation Division - Mrs. Asseneth Tugiau
a/Director Technical & Business Colleges - Mrs. Lino Bakaka
a/Director TVET Provincial Operations - Mr. Ruben Aue
a/Director Professional - Mr. Wilson Garu
a/Manager Operations - Mr. Noke Peng
a/AS TVET Inspections & Quality Assurance Division - Mr. Joseph Moide
a/Director Meaurement & Quality Assurance Branch - Mr. Rufino Rivera
a/Director TVET Inspection South/Hghlands - Ms. Stellina Sergius
a/Director TVET Inspection Momase / NGI - Mr. Bilmor Bulatao
a/Manager Operations - Ms Veronica Omae
a/Executive Director UNESCO - Mr. Andrew Angobe
a/Director Education Program - Mr Ponape Yuwa
a/Director Information & Communication - Mr Terry Pato
a/Director Culture & Heritage Programs - Ms Doris Apuka
a/ Director Science Programs - Mr Terence S. Perene
a/Manager Operations - Mr Chris Phasa

Sunday 19 October 2014


The meeting presentation was opened by the Acting Deputy Secretary, TVET Wing & UNESCO Mr Godfrey Yerua with his welcoming remarks on 16th October 2014, Thursday at the TVET Conference Room.
Provincial Education Advisor Mr Joseph Auli, East Sepik TVET Coordinator Mr Anthony Narawen and Manager Bernard Narakobi (Yawasoro)Technical Vocational Center Mr John Pais attended the meeting.
The meeting was also attended by a/FAS TVET Wing Mr Wini Leka, Assistant Secretary TVET Community Education & Vocational Training Division Mrs Assenith Tugiau, a/Assistant Secretary TVET Curriculum & Inspection Division Mrs Rossa Apelis, Manager FOL Branch Mr Thomas Aiye, Manager MQA Branch Mr Rufino Rivera, Senior Curriculum Officer Mr Joe Siris, Senior Curriculum Officer Mr Atu Tomaki, other TVET officers and the media.

The Provincial TVET Plan 2011-2020 was presented by Provincial Education Advisor Mr Joseph Auli to Acting Deputy Secretary Mr Godfrey Yerua with a/FAS Wini Leka, a/AS CID Mrs Rossa Apelis and AS CEVTD Mrs Assenith Tugiau.

Monday 6 October 2014


TVET Wing conducted it's 2nd meeting held at the TVET Conference room on 6th October 2014. The meeting was called for to evaluate the current status of TVET system and course programmes.

The following agenda were discussed during the meeting as follows:
Agenda items:

1. Quarterly Divisional Reports
2. 2014 SPAs
3. End of the year graduations/invitations from TVET institutions
4. Attending Governing Council meetings
5. Strategic Management Plan

The said meeting were attended by a/Deputy Secretary for TVET and UNESCO Mr. Godfrey Yerua, a/First Assistant Secretary TVET Wing Mr. Wini Leka, Assistant Secretary Operation & Management Division Ms. Monica Maluan, a/Assistant Secretary Curriculum & Inspection Division Mrs. Rossa Apelis, and Assistant Secretary Community Education Secretariat Division Ms Assenith Tugiau.

The Superintendents, Managers and Directors were also present during the meeting. They were Superintendent TOMD Mr. John Dinbi, CID Operations Superintendent Mr Kana Areni, FOL Manager Mr Thomas Aiye, MQAB Manager Mr Rufino Rivera, a/Superintendent Curriculum Mr Damon Tiromry, Superintendent Inspections Mrs. Oli Mark, Superintendent Vocational Mr. Ruben Aue, Senior Inspector Mrs. Sterlina Sergius and the minute taker OMD Ms Elly Kawa.

Monday 29 September 2014


MQA Assistant Manager for Measurement & Evaluation Section Ms Agatha Simango entering students' information into the Certificate Database in preparation to printing.
Procedures to follow by Colleges and Centers:
Submit potential candidates for certification to MQAB by 31st March (first semester) and 30th September (second semester) by completing MQA Form A.

Academic Advisory Committee:

Request of printing of certificates must be done after the deliberation /moderation of results of all course results by Academic Advisory Committee (AAC) of the College / Vocational centre and endorsed for the issuance of certificates and allowing the students to graduate.

AAC Chairperson, Principal/Manager:

Request to print the certificates must be submitted with official copies of the AAC results signed and endorsed by the AAC Chairperson and Principal / Manager, and submission of request to print the certificates must have the CORRECT list of names of graduating students in alphabetical order, gender, course attended, course level, certificate numbers and course duration. MQA Form B must be completed.

All requests for printing of certificates must be directed to TVET CID Manager - Measurement & Quality Assurance Branch to avoid delays.

For further clarification, contact TVET-CID MQA Manager on phone: (+675) 3013549, fax; (+675) 325 0070, and email: Rufino_Rivera@education.gov.pg or correspondences should be addressed to: The Manager Measurement and Quality Assurance Branch TVET Curriculum & Inspections Division, P.O. Box 446 Waigani NCD Papua New Guinea. Attention: Mr. Rufino Rivera

Thursday 25 September 2014



The newly-built building. (Pictures taken during the Inspection visit led by Superintendent Bilmor Bulatao)
The Principal Sogerifa Lutogo showing the dormitory toilets and showers